Asp.Net Core Apps: A Guide to Observability - Part 1

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Asp.Net Core Apps: A Guide to Observability - Part 1

Observability is a key concept in modern software development. It refers to the ability of a system to be monitored, measured, and understood in order to identify and address issues. In the context of ASP.NET Core, observability can help developers and operations teams diagnose and fix application issues quickly and efficiently.

In this blog post, we'll explore what observability means in the context of ASP.NET Core, its benefits, and how we can implement observability in our ASP.NET Core applications.

What is observability?

Observability is a term used to describe the ability to measure and understand the internal workings of a system. In software development, observability refers to the ability to measure and understand the behaviour of an application to diagnose and fix issues.

Observability is typically achieved through the use of telemetry data. Telemetry data is a set of measurements and events collected from an application and used to gain insights into its behaviour. Telemetry data can include information about performance, errors, exceptions, and other key metrics.

Benefits of observability

Observability provides several benefits to developers and operations teams. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Faster Issue Resolution - Collecting and analyzing telemetry data can quickly identify and resolve issues. This can help reduce downtime and improve the application's overall performance.

  2. Improved Performance - Observability can help identify performance bottlenecks and other issues that may be impacting the application's performance. This can help to optimize the application and improve its overall performance.

  3. Better User Experience - Observability can help identify issues that may impact the user experience. By resolving these issues, the user experience can be improved.

Implementing observability

ASP.NET Core provides several features that can be used to implement observability in our applications. Here are some of the key features:

  1. Logging - ASP.NET Core provides a built-in logging framework that can be used to collect telemetry data. This framework can be used to log information about performance, errors, exceptions, and other key metrics.

  2. Application Insights - Application Insights is a cloud-based telemetry service that can be used to monitor and analyze the behaviour of our application. We can use Application Insights to collect telemetry data and gain insights into the behaviour of our application.

  3. Metrics - ASP.NET Core provides a metrics framework that can be used to collect and analyze performance metrics. We can use this metrics framework to collect metrics such as CPU usage, memory usage, and request latency.

  4. Tracing - ASP.NET Core provides a tracing framework that can be used to collect and analyze traces of our application. We can use tracing to understand the flow of requests through our application and identify issues that may be impacting performance.


Logging is an essential part of any software application, including ASP.NET applications. Logging allows developers to collect and analyze information about the application's behaviour, which can help them identify issues, troubleshoot bugs, and improve performance. Here are some examples of popular logging frameworks that can be used in ASP.NET applications:

  1. Serilog Serilog is a popular logging framework that is designed to be fast, flexible, and easy to use. It provides various features for logging structured and unstructured data, including support for structured logging, log enrichment, and filtering. Serilog also provides integrations with other technologies, such as Elasticsearch and Seq.

  2. NLog NLog is a flexible and extensible logging framework that can be used to log messages to various destinations, including files, databases, and email. NLog provides a variety of features for logging structured and unstructured data, including support for log levels, targets, and layouts. NLog also provides integrations with a variety of other technologies, such as Log4net and ASP.NET Core.

  3. Log4net is a mature and widely used logging framework that can be used to log messages to various destinations, including files, databases, and email. Log4net provides a variety of features for logging structured and unstructured data, including support for log levels, appenders, and patterns. Log4net also provides integrations with a variety of other technologies, such as NLog and ASP.NET Core.

  4. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging Microsoft.Extensions.Logging is a logging framework that is built into ASP.NET Core. It provides a simple and flexible API for logging messages to various destinations, including the console, files, and databases. Microsoft.Extensions.Logging also provides a variety of features for logging structured and unstructured data, including support for log levels, scopes, and providers. It is easy to use and can be configured through the application's configuration files.

These are just a few examples of the many logging frameworks that are available for ASP.NET applications. The choice of logging framework will depend on our specific requirements, such as the type of logging we need to do, the scalability of the framework, and the integration options available.

Application Insights

Application Insights is a comprehensive application performance monitoring and management service offered by Microsoft Azure. It is designed to help developers and IT professionals monitor, diagnose, and improve the performance and availability of the applications, including ASP.NET applications.

Here are some key features of Application Insights:

  1. Performance Monitoring: Application Insights can monitor the performance of the ASP.NET application in real-time, including response times, availability, and server performance. It can also help us identify performance bottlenecks and optimize the performance of your application.

  2. Error Monitoring: Application Insights can monitor the errors and exceptions that occur in your ASP.NET application and provide detailed diagnostic information, including the stack trace, request details, and custom properties. It can also help us prioritize and address errors that impact the application's performance.

  3. Dependency Tracking: Application Insights can track the dependencies the ASP.NET application relies on, such as databases, external APIs, and services. It can help you understand how these dependencies impact the performance and availability of the application and identify any issues that arise.

  4. Analytics and Dashboards: Application Insights provides powerful analytics and dashboarding tools that can help us visualize and analyze the performance and usage data collected by the service. We can use these tools to identify trends, monitor key metrics, and make data-driven decisions about the application.

  5. Integration with Azure: Application Insights is tightly integrated with Microsoft Azure, which means we can use it to monitor and manage your ASP.NET applications deployed on Azure. It also integrates with a variety of other Azure services, such as Azure Functions, Azure Kubernetes Service, and Azure DevOps.

Overall, Application Insights is a powerful and comprehensive tool for monitoring and managing the performance and availability of ASP.NET applications. It provides developers and IT professionals with the tools they need to diagnose and address issues, optimize performance, and improve the user experience.


A metrics framework is a tool or library that allows developers to collect and analyze metrics about the performance and behaviour of an application. Metrics frameworks can be used to track a wide range of data points, such as response times, error rates, and resource usage.

Here are some popular metrics frameworks that can be used in ASP.NET applications:

  1. Prometheus is an open-source metrics framework widely used in cloud-native environments. It provides a flexible data model, a powerful query language, and a variety of integrations with other technologies. Prometheus can be used to collect metrics from ASP.NET applications, including performance metrics, error rates, and resource usage.

  2. StatsD is a lightweight metrics framework designed to be easy to use and highly configurable. It provides a simple protocol for sending metrics from an application to a StatsD server, which can then be used to store, analyze, and visualize the metrics data. StatsD can collect metrics from ASP.NET applications, including request/response times, error rates, and custom application-specific metrics.

  3. InfluxDB is a time-series database that is designed to store and analyze large volumes of metrics data. It provides a powerful query language, a flexible data model, and a variety of integrations with other technologies. InfluxDB can store metrics data collected from ASP.NET applications, including performance metrics, error rates, and resource usage.

  4. Graphite is a metrics framework designed to be highly scalable and easy to use. It provides a simple protocol for sending metrics from an application to a Graphite server, which can then be used to store, analyze, and visualize the metrics data. Graphite can collect metrics from ASP.NET applications, including request/response times, error rates, and custom application-specific metrics.

These are just a few examples of the many metrics frameworks that are available for ASP.NET applications.


Tracing is the process of recording and following the flow of requests or transactions as they move through a system. In software development, tracing is often used to diagnose and troubleshoot performance issues or errors within an application.

Tracing typically involves adding code to an application that records information about each request or transaction as it progresses through the system. This information can include things like the duration of each step, the components involved in processing the request, and any errors or exceptions.

Here are some popular tracing frameworks that can be used in ASP.NET applications:

  1. OpenTelemetry is an open-source project that provides a set of tools and libraries for collecting and exporting trace data. It is designed to be vendor-neutral and supports various languages and platforms, including ASP.NET. OpenTelemetry can be used to trace requests as they move through an ASP.NET application, providing detailed information about the performance and behaviour of the application.

  2. Jaeger is an open-source tracing framework widely used in cloud-native environments. It provides a powerful query language and a variety of integrations with other technologies. Jaeger can be used to trace requests as they move through an ASP.NET application, providing detailed information about the performance and behaviour of the application.

  3. Zipkin is an open-source tracing framework designed to be easy to use and highly configurable. It provides a simple protocol for sending trace data from an application to a Zipkin server, which can then be used to store, analyze, and visualize the trace data. Zipkin can be used to trace requests as they move through an ASP.NET application, providing detailed information about the performance and behaviour of the application.

Tracing can be a powerful tool for diagnosing and troubleshooting issues within an application. By tracing requests as they move through the system, developers can better understand the application's performance and behaviour and identify areas for improvement.


Observability is an essential aspect of modern software development, and ASP.NET provides several frameworks that can be used to implement observability in our applications. Using these frameworks, we can gain insights into the application's behaviour, identify issues more quickly, and provide a better user experience. The logging framework, Application Insights, metrics framework, and tracing framework are some key frameworks we can use for observability in ASP.NET.